Comsol multiphysics books
Comsol multiphysics books

comsol multiphysics books

Modeling of transport phenomena in reacting systems involves the description of the chemical species in so-called multicomponent transport models.


The whole process, from model definition to the presentation of the results, is documented in the software for transparency and reproducibility. The workflow described above can be applied in many different fields that involve chemical reactions and in all scales, from nanotechnology and microreactors to environmental studies and geochemistry. Extend the investigations to space-dependent systems.

comsol multiphysics books

Calculate kinetic, thermodynamic, and transport properties.Study reaction mechanisms in ideal, perfectly mixed systems.The Chemical Reaction Engineering Module is tailored for the typical workflow in chemistry and chemical engineering investigations, which involve the following incremental steps: Realistic descriptions of reacting systems in scientific and engineering studies often need to incorporate both transport phenomena and chemical reactions to understand and optimize a process or design. Overview of the Modeling Strategy and Workflow Additionally, the Chemical Reaction Engineering Module, along with other tools in COMSOL Multiphysics ®, provides state-of-the-art mathematical and numerical methods adapted for optimization and parameter estimation of chemical systems. Solving the model equations over and over for different inputs leads to a true understanding of the studied system. After developing a validated model, it can be used for studying different operating conditions and designs of reacting systems and transport phenomena. The Chemical Reaction Engineering Module, an add-on to the COMSOL Multiphysics ® software platform, provides user interfaces for creating, inspecting, and editing chemical equations, kinetic expressions, thermodynamic functions, and transport equations. Mathematical models help scientists, developers, and engineers understand processes, phenomena, and designs of reacting systems. Examples provided in this book should be considered as "lessons" for which background physics could be explained in more detail.Understand and Optimize Chemical Processes and Designs COMSOL for Engineers could be used to complement another text that provides background training in engineering computations and methods. At the end of each chapter are references that contain more in-depth physics, technical information, and data these are referred to throughout the book and used in the examples. The mathematical fundamentals, engineering principles, and design criteria are presented as integral parts of examples. The book takes a flexible-level approach for presenting the materials along with using practical examples. Readers are assumed to be familiar with the principles of numerical modeling and the finite element method (FEM). The objective is to provide a collection of examples and modeling guidelines through which readers can build their own models. The main objective is to introduce readers to use COMSOL as an engineering tool for modeling by solving examples that could become a guide for modeling similar or more complicated problems. The book includes a companion CD-ROM with files of over 25 models, images, and code. This book is designed for engineers from the fields of mechanical, electrical, and civil disciplines, and introduces multiphysics modeling techniques and examples accompanied by practical applications using COMSOL 4.x. COMSOL Multiphysics software is one of the most valuable software modeling tools for engineers and scientists.

Comsol multiphysics books