Crazy moments in time
Crazy moments in time

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In that novel, Joker skins the owner of a nightclub alive. Heath Ledger’s amazing performance as the Joker inspired a graphic novel about him. The Dark Knight struck the audience’s imagination with the brilliant portrayal of the Clown Prince of crime. Joker skins a guy alive and makes him do an ‘erotic’ dance. This infamous scene was later referenced in video games like Borderlands 2 and Tales from the Borderlands. Crossed has a fair share of bizarre moments but one moment that struck us the most has to be when a character Harold cuts a man’s face off only to wear it as a mask. Garth Ennis’s Crossed is famous for blurring the line between what’s acceptable and what’s not.

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Harold Lorre cutting off a man’s face and wearing it as a dead skin mask.

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If incest wasn’t shocking enough, the fact that the young kid had turned into a zombie might help make you cringe.

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In a graphic novel full of gore and gratuitous violence, the particular of instance of the Governor making out with his daughter. Governor makes out with his zombie daughter.Īlan Kirkman has delivered one of the best graphic novels of all time in the form of The Walking Dead. The panel will make you want to look away instantly. After this brutal murder, Hyde goes back to finishing his dinner without as much a flinch. In Alan Moore’s extraordinarily outrageous League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Hyde gets hold of The Invisible Man and rapes him to death. You’d imagine that if someone can’t be seen at all, they can’t be harmed. Even though it was justified, it was still pretty disturbing to see the quintessential good guy murder the agent of chaos in such a gratuitous manner. The Kryptonian put his hand through the Joker’s rib cage and basically put an end to him. Even though Superman had killed people before, him murdering the Joker was particularly surprising because of the way he did it. Injustice was revolutionary in a lot of ways. Superman kills the Joker while Batman stands right next to him. Blob eats her and make a remark of her ‘tasting like chicken’. Even though a lot of other major superheroes were killed off in this arc, Wasp’s death still struck us because of its sheer absurdity. Marvel made a bold move in the Ultimate universe when they got Blob to eat Wasp. What’s the weirdest way to kill of a superhero? Getting them eaten by a villain. Wasp gets eaten by Blob while he makes a really messed up ‘joke’. This includes murder and months of sexual violence. The Purple Man uses his power of mind control to make her do things against her will. As a matter of fact, sexual abuse is an important part of Jessica Jones’ origin story. Jessica Jones is quite a depressing comic book with undertones of sexual violence and abuse. The Purple Man sexually abuses Jessica Jones as he control’s her mind. If that wasn’t messed up enough, Commissioner Gordon was stripped naked and pictures of a naked Barbara were shown to him solely to drive him crazy. In Alan Moore’s The Killing Joke, there is an implied rape scene of Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl by the Joker.

crazy moments in time

The clown prince of crime in DC is infamous for his eccentric behaviour.

crazy moments in time

The implied rape of Barbara Gordon by the Joker and the whole amusement park sequence with a very naked Commissioner Gordon will surely haunt your dreams. Here are a few disturbing instances from comics that will keep you awake at night. However, artists have been pushing the envelope of what we might deem acceptable in comic books. While Marvel has been relying on soft humour to engage the audience, DC has gone for a more realistic approach for their superheroes.Ĭomic book movies have a reputation of being kid-friendly with most movies getting a PG-13 rating. They’re everywhere – movies, pop-culture, television or the Internet.

Crazy moments in time